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After Meghan Gives Birth Then Charles Takes Throne and Then Meghan Gets Pregnant Again

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, gave birth to her first child with Prince Harry on Monday — a baby boy who is seventh in line to the throne, the couple confirmed.

The regal family says it plans to keep individual the details about how the 7lbs-3oz infant was born, at that place has been a lot of speculation already, including rumors that she was hiring a doula and that she would give birth at Frimley Park Hospital in Surrey.

Fourth dimension spoke to experts on the history of the British royal family unit about how the nascence of the purple babe has changed over the years and compiled a guide to by expectations of what to expect when y'all're expecting a royal baby.

Where is the royal baby built-in?

The short answer is that for about of British history, imperial babies got the royal equivalent of a home nascency, as they were born in palaces and residences.

Queen Victoria was born in the dining room of Kensington Palace in 1819 considering the staircase that continued the room to the kitchen was convenient for fetching supplies, like hot h2o. Princess Margaret held the distinction of being the first royal baby born in Scotland since 1600, when she was born at Glamis Castle in 1930. Her sister, now Queen Elizabeth 2, was born in the London dwelling of her maternal grandparents, the Earl and Countess of Strathmore in 1926. Prince Charles was born in 1948 at Buckingham Palace.

His son Prince William became the first direct heir to the throne born in a infirmary in 1982, and his brother Prince Harry followed in 1984. In recent years, Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton have besides chosen to requite birth at the Lindo Wing at St. Mary's Hospital in London.

May 1926: Elizabeth, Duchess of York (1900 - 2002), looking at her first child, futurity Queen, Princess Elizabeth.

Speaight/Getty Images

No matter the location, preparations for a majestic baby would outset well before a royal mother went into labor.

As far dorsum as Tudor times, royal women disappeared from public view during the weeks preceding the arrival of the babe, so that they would be spared having to vesture the corsets and restrictive clothing that women were expected to clothing in public. Giving nascency was long known past the euphemism of "solitude" and, fittingly, according to historian Carolyn Harris, writer of Raising Royalty: chiliad Years of Royal Parenting, royal mothers would go into confinement about a month before actually giving birth. That tradition can be traced back to ordinances attributed to Henry VIII's grandmother, Margaret Beaufort, who wanted the room in which she gave birth to exist an exclusively female person infinite, illuminated by candle light, a single small window, and decorated only with tapestries with happy scenes. The offset royal child born afterwards the mother secluded herself in that way was Henry VIII'due south elder brother Arthur Tudor in 1486.

Markle has somewhat followed in this tradition: while she appeared at an result in March to award victims of the New Zealand shootings, every bit of mid-March she had no more than public appearances on her schedule.

Who delivers the purple baby?

Royal watchers in the 17th century hailed the arrival of a midwife from France equally a sign that Queen Henrietta Maria was going to give birth imminently. Odes to the midwife appeared in the popular press of the 1630s. But, while the royal bed chamber was initially supposed to exist an exclusively female person identify during the solitude, the midwives eventually began working in tandem with male doctors.

"In the 18th century, at that place'south a switch-over from midwives delivering royal babies to male doctors," says Lucy Worsley, Master Curator at Celebrated Royal Palaces and author of Queen Victoria: Twenty-Iv Days That Changed Her Life. "The weird irony is that birth is oftentimes more than dangerous to imperial women," she argues, because it becomes "socially inappropriate" for a seasoned midwife to deliver the baby, as opposed to a male physician who is very distinguished and high up on the social ladder but "not used to delivering babies."

Queen Victoria's cousin Princess Charlotte died in 1817 of a postpartum hemorrhage afterwards giving birth to a stillborn son. "The dr. didn't use the new forceps in the room," Worsley explains, "and mother and baby had died, so there was a lot of criticism that the doctor had been too cautious in terms of delivering children."

Queen Victoria herself had no qualms, notwithstanding, about adopting the latest medicine had to offering when giving nativity to her eighth and ninth children. Her medico John Snow gave her chloroform as an anesthetic when she gave nascence to her eighth child, Prince Leopold. "This was really controversial," says Worsley. At the fourth dimension, clergymen believed that women were supposed to requite birth in pain, quoting the volume of Genesis in the Bible, in which God tells Eve that "in sorrow, k shalt bring forth children." Every bit a event, mainstreaming the employ of a painkiller during labor is amidst the many precedents Queen Victoria played a role in setting in U.S. and U.K. society.

1852: Queen Victoria (1819 - 1901) with her tertiary son Arthur William, Duke of Connaught (1850 - 1942), later Field Marshal Connaught. An engraving subsequently Winterhalter.

Rischgitz/Getty Images

Who else is in the delivery room?

Though childbirth is ofttimes a individual experience these days, some majestic women had to give nascence in public — after what Worsley describes equally a fake-news crisis that had huge geopolitical consequences.

There were rumors that King James II and Mary of Modena had a baby who died, and that they'd snuck in a replacement baby in a warming pan. "This incredible disinformation campaign is one of the big factors that leads to the so-called Glorious Revolution in 1688," Worsley says, as James II, who was controversially Catholic, was overthrown subsequently only a few years on the throne.

As a result, it became articulate that the birth of the royal baby, equally well as the cutting of the umbilical cord, had to be witnessed by several government ministers. In 1 notable exception, Queen Victoria simply wanted a select grouping in the room when she gave birth — her hubby Prince Albert, the dr. and attending ladies — so regime ministers gathered in adjoining rooms, peering through a succession of open doors arranged en enfilade. However, this tradition held true through to the 20th century, especially for babies high in the line of succession to the throne.

"Until the birth of Prince Charles [in 1948], the Home Secretary had to be on hand for the births of straight heirs to the throne," says Harris, "but it had already been made articulate that the Home Secretary didn't have to be present for people farther down the line of succession."

King George VI and his married woman Queen Elizabeth, the Princess Elizabeth — the hereafter Queen Elizabeth Ii — with the Duke of Edinborough and the babe Prince Charles.

API/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

Whether the begetter was in the room was a matter of personal preference. Prince Philip was playing squash when Queen Elizabeth II gave birth to Prince Charles, equally the social conventions of the time didn't agree that fathers were expected to exist present. Nowadays it would be surprising if Prince Harry were non in the delivery room.

One aspect of a royal birth, however, hasn't changed at all: the birth of the royal baby has always been a public spectacle, no matter how private the Duke and Duchess of Sussex want to exist.

"A royal person, historically, is not a individual individual, only public holding," every bit Worsley puts information technology, "so any idea of privacy goes out of the window."

Correction, April 16

The original version of this story misstated the year Prince William was born. He was built-in in 1982, not 1984.

Write to Olivia B. Waxman at


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