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Art of Manliness Should You Workout if You Are Sick

Imagine you're an an assassin living in Renaissance Italy.

You're part of an aboriginal underground brotherhood and it's your job to assassinate sinister enemies while remaining completely undetected.  Y'all tin employ any ways necessary to eliminate your target as long every bit you do so without existence discovered or defenseless.  Fortunately for you, you're a damn practiced assassinator: scaling city walls, vaulting between rooftops, balancing along ledges, lurking in the shadows, existing and yet being unseen, unheard, unknown.

Today, you'll learn how to think, act, and train like Ezio Auditore, a bad ass assassinator and main character in one of the most enjoyable video game serial I've ever played – Assassinator's Creed.  Don't worry if you've never played the game before; the information here volition certainly apply to you lot likewise.  This commodity will yet requite you all the info you demand to become an awesome ancient assassin.

Just don't go Actually killing anybody, okay?

In order to go far the correct mindset to start thinking like an assassin, take a few minutes to watch this trailer and begin your preparation:

Assassinator's Creed Trailer Video

Build your body for efficiency

If you're going to exist an assassin, yous demand to have complete control over how your trunk operates and moves at all times. This ways you lot must be at an optimal weight: carrying too much weight and majority can slow you down when trying to scale buildings and leap betwixt rooftops.  Retrieve like a rock climber or a master Parkour traceur (which I'll get to shortly): powerful forcefulness and lightning quick reflexes are your best friend – half an inch or a few extra seconds can exist the difference between a successful climb and fall, a successful mission or failed endeavor, even life and death.

For that reason, you demand to become a chief of your body by getting REALLY skillful at moving, lifting, and carrying your own body weight – lifting actress weights to increase your relative strength is helpful, only having the muscular endurance to climb a ten story building is far more of import in this line of work.  Referencing the Fine art of Manliness article "Fitness Benchmarks a Human being Must Master," here are 5 fettle benchmarks you should master that will take you lot well on the path to condign a capable assassin:

  • Swim half a mile or more: for when yous need to dive underwater to avert capture and swim to a more than secluded location.
  • Run at top speed for 200 yards or more: for when you are spotted and demand to run away to avoid capture.
  • Jump over obstacles college than your waist: for when you demand to climb buildings, hurdle obstacles while existence chased, and more than.
  • Do fifteen to 20 pull ups: for when you need to scale buildings to stalk your casualty from to a higher place.
  • Dip between parallel bars twenty-v times or more: to hoist yourself up onto ledges or to push yourself away from i wall to leap to another.

Master these movements, and you will accept enough of speed, power, and endurance to become an efficient assassin.

In order to go better at these movements, you can exercise two things: Exercise them (for the pull ups, dips, and sprints – do them every other mean solar day), and decrease your body fat percentage.  The more weight yous lose, the less weight you'll have to pick up and motility, the better yous'll exist able to motility your torso through these movements.  I've found the Paleo Diet to exist the fastest method to decrease your body fatty per centum.

Master your environment

Once you've built your body for optimum functioning, it's time to start mastering your environment.

Later on all, what'south a strong body good for if you don't how to utilise it effectively.  In gild to go a bang-up assassin, you lot demand to become a adept traceur (a parkour professional) and you need to commencement analyzing each environment you inhabit quickly so that y'all can motion through with maximum efficiency.

Parkour has already been covered extensively on Nerd Fitness, and so I won't rehash the same information. Follow the prescribed workouts and start mastering the basic Parkour movements using the information in that postal service (especially the precision jumps and front rolls – can't have you breaking a leg from a fall while on a mission!)

Instead, I desire to talk about analyzing your surroundings – often times you'll be in a situation where you'll need to go creative with your surroundings in order to succeed.  Let's say you lot need to assassinate a target on the other side of a building – if that building doesn't have a ladder to get to the rooftop, exercise you give up and become home?

Hell no!

You Macguyver a programme B. If y'all can leap onto the small pillar, swing onto that rope, hang on the windowsill, vault over to the chimney, and then shimmy up betwixt the 2 walls you tin get to the roof.  When I was in Peru back in November, information technology was just days later I blazed through Assassin's Creed 2; I couldn't aid but analyze each and every church and ancient building I visited for Parkour potential, trying to determine the fastest path to the roof.  I obviously never climbed annihilation (didn't want to go arrested), just the mental exercise of planning each path was a lot of fun.

On a more practical level, now that I'm traveling through Australia I have zero access to any practice equipment. For that reason, I spend the first afternoon in each new town wandering around until I can observe a suitable "gym" to practise in.  I know that as long as I tin notice something to hang from, I can practise my pull ups, chin ups, and tuck front levers – then far I've used a playground's monkey confined, low-lying tree branches, the underside of a set of stairs, the overhang of a low roof, and a pipe hanging off a edifice in an aerodrome parking lot.

Go creative, continue your optics open, assess every situation, and aim for the path of least resistance.

Move softly

Yous've got a visual on your target...

Yous creep through the shadows, completely undetected.  Simply 20 anxiety separates yous and your prey who has his back turned to you.  Information technology's time to quickly cover that distance and accept care of business.


Oops.  Your giant shoes and funky footwork take given you abroad in a matter of seconds; looks like  all of that difficult work sneaking around has gone for goose egg.  If just you had been wearing silent shoes and had perfected the fine art of barefoot motion.

It's fourth dimension to trade in those clunky running shoes and alter up your running style – option up a pair of Vibram Five Fingers (or even go barefoot) and learn to run barefoot – your calves will HATE you lot for a few weeks but your knees, hips, dorsum, and other joints will beloved you.  Get skilful at running silently by landing softly, and pick surfaces that hide your footsteps – grass is optimal.

Yous can even exercise this by fake-stalking in the park (though don't ACTUALLY stalk people and go me in trouble).

Be quick about it

Assassins are like stealth bombers – they make their movement before anybody notices annihilation has happened (well, except for their targets – I'g adequately confident they're probably aware they're dead).  A tiresome assassinator wouldn't survive very long – if he's still standing there when the body hits the floor and he has a behemothic bloody knife in his hands…he's pretty much screwed.

You demand to go quick like an assassin by training with purpose. If you're at the gym or training in your backyard, cease chatting on the phone.  Don't spend hours on a treadmill watching Oprah.  Don't waste any extra time between sets.  Get into that gym, become your conditioning done rapidly, and get the hell out of there.  Set a timer and tell yourself that you need to be done with your conditioning in 45 minutes or less.

Desire to speed up your workouts and give your eye a keen cardiovascular workout?  Change your workouts to circuits instead.

Join a Brotherhood

The Assassins Brotherhood is underground network of people working to assistance each other achieve goals. Although most assassinations are solo missions, assassins tin often work together to eliminate a target.  When not on a mission, students of the brotherhood acquire from those more advanced and experienced than them.  The more senior assassins help put together teams that maximize the chance for success in every mission.  Assassins looks out for their brothers (and sisters) by helping out in any fashion possible.

Hmmm, sounds a lot like some other brotherhood I know…

Man, women, boy, daughter, alien, robot – whatever you lot are, you'll have a meliorate hazard of being successful in fettle and in life if you're surrounded by people all chasing the aforementioned goals and dreams.  Y'all might exist on solo missions with your workouts (I LOVE working out solitary), simply know that in that location'southward a community of like-minded people merely a few mouse clicks abroad that's willing and able to help me with my journey.  Bring together our community, check out the Parkour thread, get-go tracking your workouts, post your successful missions, and start leveling up your life.

Our alliance, the Nerd Fitness Rebellion, is always looking for new recruits, and you don't fifty-fifty accept to impale anybody to join.

So, are yous in?


Terminal week's contest winner: Jake who talked most why he strength trains: Growing upwardly as a nerd (and continuing to grow up nerdy), I've been surrounded by heroic and epic figures – from Luke and Han to Aragorn, to Maximus the Gladiator, fifty-fifty the Main Primary.  I would idolize their feats of badassery (like charging out of Helm'southward Deep or fighting Rancor's and escaping Jabba'south palace).  Simply until I joined the Rebellion and started reading the site, their fantastical earth of heroism remained out of reach.  Now, I realize that Master Chief doesn't become a hero by sitting around playing Halo all mean solar day and eating crap food, he busts his ass for it.

So, I strength train because walking around with sore and spent muscles underneath my glasses and (very fashionable) push upwardly shirt makes me feel like I have a huge friggin' "S" branded on my chest, despite the occasional monotony or aimlessness of my post-grad life.

Today's insubordinate hero – Jacob L, who sent this picture in from Vail, Colorado.  Outset Cambodia, then Israel, and now  on the tops of mountains – there's no identify where a Nerd Fitness rebel won't become.

You might recollect he has one middle closed due to the blinding sunday. It's actually due to also much awesomeness radiating from the t-shirt.  Afterwards taking this picture, Jacob went down a halfpipe and did a triple-flip 1080 stalefish, so wrestled a bear and chopped downward a tree using the side of his snowboard.

Have y'all ordered your Nerd Fitness shirt yet? Choice one upward (only $20 with free shipping anywhere in the world), and send me a photo – you could be the next Insubordinate Hero!


photo 1, photo 2, photograph three, photograph 4, photograph v, photograph half-dozen


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